
As one of the people responsible for bringing you the concerts in our series, I listen at our events for two different things. One ear is tuned to the music; the other is paying attention to our audience. How is … Read More

Music Speaks

I was late. I grabbed my keys and headed into rush hour traffic. Fingers drumming impatiently on the steering wheel, I waited for the endless line of cars to move. Sitting in the snail-paced traffic, thoughts of the day swirled … Read More

That Piece

In almost every conversation I’ve had with people about last Friday’s concert featuring the Vancouver Chamber Choir, the first thing mentioned was “that piece”. Not a single person named “that piece”, maybe because they didn’t know now to pronounce it, … Read More

A Human Experience

Ever since the first human being discovered the joy of beating on a hollow piece of wood or blowing through a reed, music has been a shared human experience, people sitting or dancing together with their families or friends. It … Read More


In reflecting on the magnificent performance rendered by David Jalbert last Friday evening, there is so much that could be described with superlatives, but my mind keeps returning to one brief moment—the encore. I expect this will go down as … Read More

Along For the Ride

“The train is about to depart the station. Please stand clear of the doors.” With those words violinist Lucy Wang of the Viano String Quartet invited us along on a train ride to some improbable places. And what a ride … Read More

A Message of Hope

Escapism often has a negative connotation. Society tells us to plant our feet firmly on the ground and keep our heads out of the clouds, but our most powerful inspiration can often come from those moments where we escape the … Read More

Couloir, A Corridor

During the Liz Carter Talk in the foyer before Saturday’s concert, an audience member asked cellist Ariel Barnes about the name of his duo Couloir. Ari mentioned his love of skiing, referencing one meaning of the word as a steep … Read More

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