A Good Time to Subscribe

posted in: News

Each year about this time, The Valley Concert Society has made a subscriber very happy. Everyone who purchases a subscription to the new season by June 30 automatically becomes part of a random draw. The winner receives an additional free subscription.

It is a good time to look over our new season in anticipation of six outstanding musical experiences. From the opening in September with the pure harmonies of musica intima to the closing in April with the energetic and fun-loving Quartetto Gelato, you will enjoy the variety and the amazing quality of the performances.

The subscription price of $140 regular and $130 for seniors represents a savings of about 30% over the cost of six single tickets amounting to nearly two free concerts. Students can subscribe for only $60.

You can find all the information online at www.valleyconcertsociety.com and make your purchase there. You can also learn about an option to buy a membership which gives you the privilege of reserving your seat for the full season.

You have about two weeks to qualify for the draw. Make sure your name is included.


John Wiebe


The Valley Concert Society